If you're looking for a good read , based on wwII and are like me I recommend 2 books 1. the last mission 2. G.I. Joe and Lillie . The last mission is a action packed historical novel the main carecter
( once again i'm sorry about my misspells ) is Jack Raab a jewish pole living in the United States and when Hitler invades Poland he joins the U.S.A.F. United States Air Force and is shipped overseas to England and bombs Berlin 3 times. Now G.I. Joe and Lillie is a little bit different. G.I. Joe is in the army and participates in D-day and the liberation of France this tells about all his life, from the little house in philly to his death in the 60's. G.I. Joe and Lillie is a war/romance book while the last mission is a adventure book.
Awesome reviews Joseph! I have read GI Joe and Lillie now an di loved it! I will look for The Last Mission and read it soon. Great time with you and your siblings this week! I had so much fun!