Thursday, December 3, 2015


Well there hasn't been much happening lately exept William had a mild concussion yesterday. here's the story. We were in a gym at the ymca and William tripped over his own feet (he does that all the time)
he hit his head on the hardwood floor but we didn't know that he had a concunssion until after we got home. I also lost a tooth.


  1. Lots of "happenings" at the Moore house! Glad aeolian is on the mend. You, Joseph, must be running out of teeth to lose!

    1. Sorry to her about William, glad he will be okay. I got my first stitches over 55 years ago at the YMCA in Seattle Washington. I was running through the doors from the gym to the lobby and your uncle Rob was running the other way. We collided head to head...I was knocked out and slammed into the door edge cutting my head open. I woke up with people all around me. I still remember it well.
