Monday, December 28, 2015


for Christmas I got books called the chronicles of Prydan, clothes a glass ( witch I collect ), a building set for different planes( if I meant lego set I would've said lego set), a lego set, cars, a car. And a phone!!!

Friday, December 18, 2015

awesome weapons

did you know there's a 100% chance that ISIS will be deafeted by 2025 with laser technology and high tech missiles both capable of blowing up bombers, hitting fighter planes, and exploding missiles before they hit their target deafeat is near. If you want the proof  check cnn

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

how to make your own ww2 battle, a step by step guide.

  1. choose a place (if you live near a ww2 battlefield go for it) if not a backyard will work
  2. choose people supposedly your friends and if you need 6 teams 4 people on each team is good
  3.  out of these chose commandos 1 for each team
  4. choose infantrymen and nurses
  5. make ammo etc. bullets, grenades, stick grenades, and helmets (if you have the resourses)
  6. gather men and set date and make rules
  7. have fun
  8. clean up

Monday, December 14, 2015

not much happening

ssoooo theres not been much happening in the Moore house lately but I'm checking the news right now ----------

take a look at these books

If you're looking for a good read , based on wwII and are like me I recommend 2 books 1. the last mission 2. G.I. Joe and Lillie . The last mission is a action packed historical novel the main carecter ( once again i'm sorry about my misspells ) is Jack Raab a jewish pole living in the United States and when Hitler invades Poland he joins the U.S.A.F. United States Air Force and is shipped overseas to England and bombs Berlin 3 times. Now G.I. Joe and Lillie  is a little bit different. G.I. Joe is in the army and participates in D-day and the liberation of France this tells about all his life, from the little house in philly to his death in the 60's. G.I. Joe and Lillie is a war/romance book while the last mission is a adventure book.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

the world of coke

well the only thing exiting thing that happened to me was yesterday. I went to the world of coke and saw and went inside the vault that holds the secret formula for Coca-Cola and tasted all104 flavors of coke. if you go to Atlanta G.A. I recommend the world of coke it has a 4-D theater,the reason I don't recommend the Gieorga aquairiam is the price (I live only a few mins. away from Atlanta in a small town called Acworth G.A. its cool living near Atlanta and all the atractions
(I'm sorry about all the misspells).

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Well there hasn't been much happening lately exept William had a mild concussion yesterday. here's the story. We were in a gym at the ymca and William tripped over his own feet (he does that all the time)
he hit his head on the hardwood floor but we didn't know that he had a concunssion until after we got home. I also lost a tooth.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

happy thanksgiving

happy thanksgiving everyone I'd like to hear what you eat where you go and if you even celebrate

(I'm talking to you in Ukraine)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

turkey rebels.

 a Russian fighter jet was shot down after violating Turkish airspace laws find the whole story at newspaper websites such as the wall street journal .

Sunday, November 22, 2015

this is cool right

  1.                                                          this is the pride of the southland marching band ,if you like this please leave a comment

Saturday, November 21, 2015

It'sGameday Everyone

Please send me a comment telling me your favorite college football team. I'm just seeing if there aren't any gators fans or bama fans. I'm a vols fan myself.

                           Go vols                                  

Friday, November 20, 2015

this is in the morning

yesterday my brother broke his arm, luckily he didn't have to go to the hospital. Right now (9:10 am) my dad is correcting my younger sister Maria for constantly asking for mom. And now(9:14 am) he's apologizing to her. he just set todays expectations.
  these are the expectations:
                                         1.  clean as you go
                                         2.  help others
                                          3. complete you're schoolwork

Thursday, November 19, 2015

todays post 11/19/15

Today I went on a hike in some woods that connect to my backyard, boy was that an adventure. On that hike I went with my siblings, Bennet, William, Emma, and maria. Bennet led Will and Maria into danger and we told Bennet he couldn't lead anymore. So he threw a fit and ran ahead and as I found out later he fell in. Will and maria came to me and Emma with freezing feet and ankles. So sense I didn't have any hot water yet I decided to give them snacks instead.When we got back to our house we got hot apple cider. And ben was in the shower. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

the ymca

 There is a home school P.E. class at the y.m.c.a. it takes place on wen. and tue. - Joseph

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

a book

I'm writing a book called ancient Egypt. It should be coming out between March third and March twenty-second. I'm a homeschooler, so it may even be out sooner or later depending on how many breaks I take or schoolwork I have. But this is the estimated time for arrival in stores. -Joseph