Monday, January 25, 2016

The Fighter pilot

During WWII many men fought and died for the freedom of their country. this is a story about an American fighter pilot and his adventures protecting bombers and flying beside other British and Soviet pilots all over Europe. The pilots name is John Mills. ( this is a fictional story and does not stand as a reference by itself). and now the story.... once there was a young man 20 years old named  John Mills who wanted to join the air force but he had 2 younger brothers looking up to him so he didn't want to lead them that way. It was 1941 and the us had just entered the war and John knew he would be drafted sooner or later so he enlisted anyways. First he was sent too Miami Fl. for basic training then Oklahoma for flying lessons, after that he was sent to Loisiana for final prep and after that he went to his home in Cleavland Tennessee before being shipped overseas. the next day he had his first mission, to protect bombers. at liftoff he felt that tingling sencation of exitment. Suddenly a shot fired they were almost to where the bomb run starts when 4 shells flew by him it was godfathers inc. one of there own bombers. Suddenly 5 enemy aircraft flew by firing rapidly he was hit and smocking. what will happen next find out tommarow.

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